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Year In Review – How COVID-19 Has Changed Perspectives on Disinfection

Washing packages, disinfecting surfaces frequently, washing hands constantly, and tons of other cleaning chores have conquered our lives in the year 2020. If you had seen anyone with a similar outlook towards cleaning before the onset of COVID-19 as you have now, you might have called them a germophobe … yet look at us now! We’re prepared to do whatever it takes to keep the infamous coronavirus from passing through our doors.

With a coronavirus vaccine rollout for the entire nation still months away, fanatical cleaning and disinfection have become the “new normal” for everyone.


Gray Vacuum Cleaner on Brown Wooden Parquet Floor

Germs are constantly on the roll. Staying on top of cleaning tasks may mean hours of extra work, but if that’s what it takes to keep you safe, so be it.


You might never have thought about disinfecting doorknobs, surfaces, and floors, spraying shoe soles, or washing hands several times a day before COVID-19. Yet, you follow all the cleaning guidelines religiously now. Busy homeowners, who can’t spare enough time for cleaning have found a way out too. They book regular house cleaning services to keep their premises germ-free.

You might even be avoiding your usual shopping trips, as far as possible. We prefer ordering online, paying electronically, and receiving amazon packages at home – but we don’t stop there either. We’ll disinfect the delivered packages till we’re sure we’re not letting the virus in.


Grocery shopping wasn’t easy this year, either. You may remember coming back with packages that you’d quickly dump in the kitchen and be over with, but that seems so long ago now. Lately, you may even wipe down your packages before putting them away. While the chances of transfer from food packages is very low according to WHO, you should at least wash your hands after handling items when you get back home.

Changes in Industrial Cleaning

Gloves, Latex Gloves, Medical Gloves

Residences aren’t the only buildings to have upped their cleaning standards—under the weight of COVID-19, industries are doing everything it takes to keep their employees, customers, and clients safe.


Naturally, hospitals experience higher possibilities of spreading COVID-19. Healthcare facilities have doubled their routine disinfection in compliance with WHO and CDC recommendations. Besides the strict cleaning protocols, touchless technologies have also been introduced to slow down the spread.


Grocery stores, schools, banks, and all other public facilities are also stepping up their disinfection game to offer a safe environment for their workers and clients or customers. In the wake of coronavirus, these public spaces frequently focus on keeping floors disinfected; spraying shopping carts; and wiping doorknobs, counters, and other high-touch surfaces.


Woman in Face Mask Having Video Call

Offices are no different. In addition to recommending 6-foot distances and enforcing the use of face masks and/or gloves in the workplace, many managers are putting extra effort into maintaining a healthy work environment in order to function amidst the pandemic.

Using appropriate and approved cleaners and disinfectants, improving ventilation, and ensuring social distancing are all essentials that the CDC has recommended for offices.

How Anago is Doing its Part

So it’s certain: COVID-19 has given all of us a newfound respect for cleaning and disinfection. While Anago Franchisees have always been experts in cleaning, our new range of upgraded disinfection services and technologies, including 360° electrostatic disinfection, has truly risen to the challenge of COVID-19. In addition, our signature 10-step disinfection process meets all CDC and EPA standards, allowing Anago Franchisees to eliminate COVID-19 and other viruses, bacteria, and fungi from every nook and cranny of any commercial facility.