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Celebrating Freedom at Anago

Independence Day is one of the nation’s most cherished holidays. After all, this is the day we celebrate our freedoms, which encompasses our love for our country, our respect for those who defend it (past and present), and to engage in the pursuit of happiness granted to us by the founding fathers. Small business ownership is arguably one of our country’s top tenets of freedom. This includes the freedom to pursue a passion, succeed on hard work and merit, and offer our communities with professional cleaning services for the places they visit, like grocery stores, favorite restaurants, doctor’s offices, or other business and professional service storefronts. At Anago, we honor these attributes and are thankful for the ability to pursue our personal and professional happiness.

For Anago Master and Unit Franchise Owners, pursuing happiness means running their own business and being their own boss. We encourage all Americans whose dream is to one day “be their own boss” to keep working hard, keep positive images of success, and keep the American Dream alive. This is an American Dream come true for many, and we’re proud of all our Anago Master and Unit Franchise Owners.

As a shining example of how hard work, passion, and dedication thrive under our nation’s independence, our newest Master Franchise Owners, Luper and Brittanie Akough, are among the brightest stars. Luper started his entrepreneurial pathway very early in life, going out on his own to start an insurance business. He launched this business with very little funding and no customers on his call sheet. In time, with grit, will, and a vision of success, Luper overcame obstacles, succeeded, and used what he earned to launch more ventures. From real estate to logistics and more, Luper continued to grow his business portfolio into many industries while meeting the love of his life along the way and starting a family. Brittanie was no stranger to entrepreneurial success, as her family operated their own cleaning business while she was growing up. Together with Luper, they set their goals higher (something they do at each milestone achieved) and launched Anago of Nebraska to pave small business ownership to others within their city.

Luper and Brittanie forged a pathway of success in the backdrop of this nation’s freedoms and a big part of why we celebrate the 4th of July. Each firework represents the opportunity to succeed if you work hard, are dedicated, and are passionate.

As we celebrate with BBQs and outdoor summer events, remember what our independence means to you, your community, and your nation. Celebrate with pride and celebrate safely with the ones you love, admire and respect.