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Celebrating National Business Women’s Day, Anago Recognizes Dru Dulany, Anago of Hampton Roads

Today is National Business Women’s Day! This is a perfect time to honor the accomplishments of businesswomen across this great nation. At Anago, we want to take a moment to honor the contributions, drive, passion, and determination of all our women Master Franchise and Unit Franchise owners. Their contributions and achievements are reflected on this day on behalf of the millions of women in the workforce.

Additionally, we recognize the diversity of women and the inspirational ways they continue to move the needle forward, paving the path for future women entrepreneurs to achieve all roles from CEO to small business owner and all the support staff involved. Women have demonstrated strong leadership and an entrepreneurial spirit across all industries.

The day honors everyone! And we want to call out one exceptional Master Franchise owner, Dru Dulaney of Anago of Hampton Roads.

Dru is a mother of three and the co-owner and General Manager of Anago of Hampton Roads with 41 franchisees and nearly 183 clients. Dru is a true inspiration and is exemplary of Anago’s core values, but she is an inspiration to her family, staff, and community.

Dru admits that she has a special place in her heart for women that can accomplish so much in all aspects of their lives. From juggling family, daily life, and running a business, she knows what it takes to succeed. Though in awe of those who have succeeded, Dru is the biggest cheerleader of women with the will to succeed and never sees an attempt at success as a failure.

Dru accepts that she has an innate drive to succeed but also takes time to offer mentorship, advice, or friendship, enabling her and others to grow in their desired areas. That spirit of helping others succeed by sharing the wisdom of her success (and pitfalls experienced) makes her an ideal model for celebrating Business Women’s Day.

Over the last decade, women have been flocking to franchising. According to Franchise Business Review (FBR), one-third (32%) of all franchises are owned by women. On average, women are 3% more satisfied overall than men regarding franchise ownership. Recently, the FBR researched the top franchises for women. The survey shows that 88% of women say they enjoy operating their business, and 75% would recommend their franchise to others.

If you’re a woman with an entrepreneurial spirit and strong work ethic, we want to talk to you! Owning and operating your own business is possible for all those with dedication, vision, and a little sweat equity.