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Extended Winter Doesn’t Mean Spring Cleaning Can’t Arrive Early

“Once again, the eyes of the nation have turned here to this… tiny village in western Pennsylvania. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. There is no way this winter is ever going to end, as long as this groundhog keeps seeing his shadow. I don’t see any other way out. He’s got to be stopped. And I have to stop him.”

—Phil Connors’ (played by Bill Murray) quote from the film, Groundhog Day.

When the most famous groundhog, Phil from Punxsutawney, announced 6 more weeks of Winter, people may have felt let down much like Bill Murray’s character felt in Groundhog Day, though hopefully not the extremes he eventually experienced. As much as we admire Winter during the holiday seasons for creating cold nights by the fire, we love the birth of Spring and everything that comes with it. Spring is when the flowers bloom and the trees begin to reproduce. The days grow longer – and maybe stay that way if we eliminate daylight savings time – and the temperature in most areas becomes much more comfortable for outdoor activities. Spring is also when many people across the nation mark their calendars for their seasonal clean – AKA, Spring Cleaning!

Our cleaning experts at Anago have compiled the following advice to consider when getting ready to clean your home:

  • Clean your refrigerator, inside and out
  • Do NOT ignore the doorknobs
  • Sponges only work if they are also clean (see more on cleaning your cleaning supplies below)
  • Towel racks are filthy – make sure you clean and disinfect each one in the house
  • Take the time to move furniture around and vacuum or mop underneath – the amount of dust that collects in the hard to see areas is disconcerting.
  • Disinfecting is a very large part of cleaning – meaning don’t just sweep, dust and mop – go over all surfaces with a disinfectant (probably something to do more than just seasonally).

Also, and very important, what you might forget is how to clean your cleaning equipment to make sure your Spring clean is clean.

Here are five things to do before engaging in your weekend of Spring cleaning:

  • Make sure you have a good hand duster. Dusters made of ostrich feathers naturally trap particulates in their weaves.
  • Buy new rubber gloves as they will protect your skin from harsh cleaners and germs.
  • Get a good mop (probably time to buy a new one). Microfiber mops are ideal and can be reused. Look for mop heads that can be thrown in the laundry when done.
  • Buy new sponges! Using old ones just spreads germs and bad odors.
  • Clean your vacuum. Yes, cleaning out your vacuum can help clear air flow and remove dust/bacteria particles from the previous use. Don’t just empty it, CLEAN IT.

Spring cleaning for your business is much easier. First, wipe down your phone with a cleaning cloth. Secondly, call Anago and we will come out and discuss your Spring, and year-round cleaning needs. Like thousands of businesses in the U.S. and Canada, you’ll be glad you did.